Getting Results with the Guru Deck
“Look for the answers. You don’t have to go to a mountain in Tibet to do that. The answers are sitting right in your home. The answers are sitting in the people surrounding you. Just see them for what they are.”
–Eric Pepin
Welcome to the Guru Deck. This deck of cards is designed to tune up your spiritual practices. Knowledge alone will only take you so far. Skill and experience derived from a consistent practice are required to achieve the levels you strive for and maintain your connection with the Universe.
We recommend combining the practices in the Guru Deck with at least one 20-minute Foundation Meditation session each day.

Daily Practice and Weekly Goals
Shuffle the deck and pick a card at random. Each card has two practices, use the one that is right-side up when you first flip the card over. Read the practice on the top middle of the card.
If you are unsure about a practice, you can find more information in the related module or book. The book and chapter number are listed on top of the card. The module containing the technique is listed underneath the technique and long descriptions for the exercises is included in the module supplements.
For example, the exercise at the top of the card pictured is found in the module Discovering the One or in Chapter 1 of the book, Waking the Immortal Within.
If the card exercise is from a module or book you do not yet own, remove it from the deck until you own that material. You can purchase modules from the Higher Balance Store, or you can buy the books at
You can set goals and monitor your progress by tracking your points.
The points for the corresponding exercise are located in the top right-hand corner of the card inside the HBI logo. For example, on the card above, you would get 2 points for completing the exercise at the top of the card.
Record your exercises and results in your journal. Here are some goals to get you started:
- Good start: 3 points per week
- Growth Pattern: 12 points per week
- Elite Conditioning: 20 points per week

Practice with Zener Cards
Zener cards were designed by perceptual psychologist Carl Zener to conduct experiments for extrasensory perception (ESP) and clairvoyance. The cards consist of the following symbols:

Each card has one Zener symbol printed in the upper left corner. This exercise can be conducted by yourself of with the help of the friend.
Practice with a Friend
First, shuffle the deck and place it face down on the table. Have your friend flip over a single card focus on the Zener symbol without allowing you to see it.
Focus on the card and call out the symbol you believe it to be. Your friend will declare a hit (correct guess) or miss and put the card in one of two piles: hit or miss.
Solo Practice
Again, shuffle the deck and place it face down on the table. Pick up the card but do not turn it over. Say your guess out loud, then turn the card over to check your accuracy.
Place the card into one of two piles: hit and miss.
Work through the entire deck (minus the Adinkra cards and instruction card).
After completion, count your hit pile. With 53 cards, random chance says you should get between 10 and 11 hits, so try to get more than that correct.
Pay attention to the feeling in your chest as your chest when focusing on a card. Practice using non-thought. The first feeling you have is usually correct. Learn the different feelings for the five symbols. You will find your accuracy improves over time.
Reflect on a Quote of the Day
Shuffle the deck and draw out a single card. Read the quote at the top of the card and spend some time reflecting on that quote. There are two quotes on each card drawn from the corresponding book chapter or module.
Adinkra Card Assimilation
Adinkras are visual symbols created by the Ashanti people in modern day Ghana. The symbols are used in fabrics, pottery, logos and advertising.

Physicist Dr. Sylvester James Gates appropriated the term to describe graphical representations of his work on string theory. Dr. Gates is best known by students of Eric Pepin for discovering the same mathematics in his work as code that runs the internet that was invented in the 1950s (specifically, error-correction codes).
The Adinkra cards are the six cards with only a book title and a graphic image in the middle.
Sit in your meditation spot. Pick one of the Adinkra cards and lay the selected card face up in front of you. Enter a meditative state of mind and assimilate the symbol.